Northern California Science Writers Association

Fairfield Osborn Preserve

  • Saturday, November 04, 2023
  • 1:45 PM - 5:30 PM
  • Lichau Rd, Penngrove, CA 94951
  • 3


Registration is closed

Join NCSWA for a tour of Sonoma State University's Fairfield Osborn Preserve. The preserve's 450 acres host eight plant communities, including a freshwater marsh, meadow, chaparral, and creek. Originally donated to the Nature Conservancy, the land has been managed since 1997 to provide education, research, and conservation. The preserve conserves lands that were historically used by the Southern Pomo, Coast Miwok, and Wappo tribes. 

NCSWA member and preserve naturalist Nancy Garcia, alongside SSU Center for Environmental Inquiry education manager Suzanne DeCoursey, will lead a walk from the education center to the site's perennial creek. There, we'll have time to sit and talk, eat a snack, and observe the habitat of the California giant salamander. Along the way we'll experience old-growth oak trees, bay trees, volcanic rock from nearby Sonoma Mountain, and views over the valley and toward the ocean.

Dress in layers, and bring binoculars, a snack, curiosity and energy for a moderate hike of up to 3 miles and a 500-foot elevation gain that will include stops to observe nature along the way.

As the preserve's parking lot has limited space, we'll meet in town and carpool from the parking lot of the Oliver's Market shopping center, 546 E. Cotati Ave., Cotati.


1:45 p.m. - carpool in a maximum of 6 cars

2:30 p.m. - arrive at the preserve

5:30 p.m. - depart the preserve for the shopping center

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